About Us
We are a congregation in Oxford, MA and part of the New England Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
The mission of the people of the Zion Lutheran Church is to grow: in our service to those within our communities, in our understanding of the Word, in bringing God’s Love to those outside of our doors, and in welcoming all those who enter our lives with open arms and love.
The members of Zion are made up of people from all our surrounding communities, such as Oxford, Webster, Charlton, Douglas, Southbridge, Millbury, Worcester, Sutton, Thompson CT, Putnam CT and more.
We have a very active outreach program. A few of our activities are:
- Collecting food items and staffing the Oxford Food Shelf
- Providing school supplies and backpacks to children at the beginning of the school year
- Participating in the annual Crop Walk for Hunger
- Providing basic supplies (towels, soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste, nail clippers, combs, etc) to the homeless.
We love to sing! We have a wonderful music director who brings many extra features throughout the year – guest singers, additional instruments, special choral arrangements, etc. Our choir is great and made up of a wide range of ages. We also are blessed to have a very music-loving pastor who loves to bring music into all aspects of the services.
Zion Lutheran Church celebrated our 125 year anniversary recently. The church started in Webster MA as a member of the Missouri Synod. In the 1970’s Zion joined with the New England Lutherans, who ultimately became part of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America). Zion also moved to their new building on Route 12 in Oxford, MA.
Stewarding God’s Resources
The Zion Church Council oversees the long-range planning of the church, supports Congregational members, promotes Congregational good will, prepares the annual budget, oversees all financial obligations and supports the Pastor in all of his/her duties.
The Endowment Fund is established to enhance the spiritual growth of the Congregation at Zion. Funds are used to promote Zion’s mission of proclaiming Jesus Christ. Funds are invested under the direction of the Committee and managed through an investment company. Any Zion member or committee can apply for an Endowment Grant.
The Property Committee oversees all aspect of maintenance inside and outside of the church. They also enlist volunteers to help with work and clean up days.
The Stewardship Board teaches the Christian use of money and leads members to higher levels of proportionate giving. With the Financial Secretary, the Board provides offering envelopes and e-giving capability for Zion members.
The Memorial Fund receives gifts in memory of loved ones. These funds can be designated to the general, music, building or outdoor chapel accounts. Requests for expenditures are submitted by form to the Committee which is reviewed and then sent to the Church Council.